Monday 13 June 2022

Portfolio 1 Week 4 Final Turn In


For the final week of turn in, I had catching up to do with finishing up my game res model before baking and texturing. This ended up of course taking up texturing time. Currently, I need to finish up with creating shading as the majority of line work has been done to create the comic look.

For the texturing process, I started by using AO bake information and applying gradient maps inside of photoshop to lay a foundation. Afterwards, I used Clip Studio Paint/3D Coat to draw on toon line details.

For the outer toon line, I used a flipped normals version of my mesh to cover the model. There is some fine tuning I still would like to do to keep it looking more organized.

For the eyes, I used cards as I originally needed a way to paint the pupil exactly the same by stacking them. However, I realized I didn't want the eyebrows, eyeshape, etc stacking as such I separated them and used them in symmetry in Clip Studio Paint. Regardless, having them as cards allowed me to give more resolution than painting directly on the face.

2k diffuse map

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Portfolio 3 Week 3