Monday 27 June 2022

Portfolio 2 Week 2 Mid Project

For my mid project check, I am unfortunately behind in my sculpting of the high res phase. I am in the process of figuring out zphere rigging in Zbrush to help with posing. Fortunately, I plan on using zremesher and the different brushes to help with creating a retopoed mesh for texturing and baking. As I am making this with the idea of a figure/statue in mind, having less geo is not a priority as long as it is clean and the final product is good.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Sprint #3 Delivery Summer


For this sprint, I created 2D UI assets of the Oculus controllers as well as retexture and update the factory walls and floors. I implemented our ID map RGB system like the rest of the experience to these assets.

Monday 20 June 2022

Portfolio 2 Week 1

 For my second project, I am sculpting and modeling my own concept art Bonnie Usami, a bunny girl.
During this first week, I began proxying in Zbrush and starting the sculpting process. Learning from my experiences with the last project, I will be focusing on spending more time sculpting in A pose and stay in symmetry for as long as possible before posing. This way, game ressing will be more straight forward. 

To do this, I will get symmetry sculpting finished and the I will bring my sculpt into Maya for retopology. Then I will bring the mesh back into Zbrush to pose and sculpt from. My hope is with this method, I would just have to finesse my game res to compensate for deformations and changes in the mesh from sculpting in pose.

The schedule:
Week 1: Proxy and beginning high res sculpt
Week 2: Finish high res sculpt
Week 3: Finish game res, UVs, first bake
Week 4: Texturing and final display

Monday 13 June 2022

Portfolio 1 Week 4 Final Turn In


For the final week of turn in, I had catching up to do with finishing up my game res model before baking and texturing. This ended up of course taking up texturing time. Currently, I need to finish up with creating shading as the majority of line work has been done to create the comic look.

For the texturing process, I started by using AO bake information and applying gradient maps inside of photoshop to lay a foundation. Afterwards, I used Clip Studio Paint/3D Coat to draw on toon line details.

For the outer toon line, I used a flipped normals version of my mesh to cover the model. There is some fine tuning I still would like to do to keep it looking more organized.

For the eyes, I used cards as I originally needed a way to paint the pupil exactly the same by stacking them. However, I realized I didn't want the eyebrows, eyeshape, etc stacking as such I separated them and used them in symmetry in Clip Studio Paint. Regardless, having them as cards allowed me to give more resolution than painting directly on the face.

2k diffuse map

Monday 6 June 2022

Portfolio 1 Week 3

 Unfortantely I am behind this week as I spent more time inside of Zbrush with my sculpt. Sculpting folds and such took longer than I had anticipated. I did learn to create custom IMM brushes for the squares on the pants and the round heart braids up top as I did not see any exisiting brushes that would fill that need.

I was able to begin retopology with game res, however it is unfinished and I will need to spend this week to catch up on it as well and do textures for it.

Finalized Zbrush Sculpt

WIP of game res

Portfolio 3 Week 3