Monday 18 April 2022

Module 4 - Environment or Vehicle Part 02

 For this week, I continued working on my sculpt for the Poseidon statue. However, I ended up behind on the sculpt as I went back and refined my sculpt as well as learn new ways to make my sculpt better and cleaner. With only another week left for this assignment, I will need to spend more time this week to finish what remains on the sculpt as well as do game res and textures. Fortunantely, being a Greek statue, the texturing will be pretty straightforward.

Some things to note is I spent time on make Poseidon's beard look closer to the Orb style. I used a hair brush to create curves in which I used a combination of polygroups, standard, dam standard, and hpolish to achieve the cleaner look after blocking out the pieces.

I spent time and revisted the face as well as I took Professor Zuccerello's advice and made the face symmetrical and centered before refining the face and adding in detail. The method was very helpful as I am more sastisfied with how the face ended up turning out.

I still need to work on the muscles more. I was told last week to check out Scott Eaton's anatomy app. On my research for it, I found a website through twitter that has the famous anatomy model on the desktop for free which is more convenient in my opinion at

Close up of face and beard

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Portfolio 3 Week 3