Monday 11 April 2022

Module 4 - Environment or Vehicle Part 01

 For this week, I continued to work off of the proxy of my poseidon sculpt and continued with blocking out the forms before moving onto focusing on secondary and tertiary detail. Taking into feedback from my art lead as well, I gave poseidon more motion in his pose now and more exaggeration. 

For this upcoming week, I plan on finishing up the sculpt. I still need to polish the beard and hair areas as well as refine the muscles. I also want to add in fish scales on the tail as well as finesse the water on the base more. Lastly, I want to add in damage to the statue similar to the Overwatch/Orb style. I have definitely learned a lot doing this project.

week 1 : orb style high res sculpt (10% unfished) 
week 2 : games res 
week 3: UVs and texture

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Portfolio 3 Week 3